mrs rodrick

New Member
hello everyone my name is doris rodrick. my husband jim has just bought a landrover, i think it is a county. the problem is he don't know if it is petrol or diesel he says it has diesel rejectors as well as sparking plugs, whatever they are.
the big problem is jim, he just wont ask anyone,male pride i think, anyway my son in australia says i should try on the computor and see if any one know hosw to find out. so i am asking you if any one know how to tell what it is.i'm afraid that if he putsthe wrong one in that it will blow up and he has spend a long time saving up for it.

please help me as he is driving me crazy with his silly male moods.
yours doris p rodrick
Easiest thing to do is check to MOT certificate - there's a box with Type Of Fuel next to it and it will hold your answer :)
i told jim our neighbour sugested that he check the mot but he says that the engine may have been changed since it was last mot'd. i just don't know what to do what with xmas coming along and everything. i wish he'd never bought the damm thing.
Hello Mrs Rodrick.

Unfortunately I can't help much about the trouble your Jim is having with your Land Rover (have you got a name for it yet ?). But I could ask my wife to send you some knitting patterns, she made Harry our Land Rover some very nice anti-maccassas. They do an excelent job of stopping the brylcream in my hair from messing the head rests.

She's currently working on little woollen covers for the sun visors.
Why don`t you tell Jim to go out there , open the fillercap on the side of the metall and take a couple of deep sniff in it`s opening . If he`s comming inside again with som peculiar faceloocks , doublesight and headache , than it must be petrol. And note his way of walking to , i meen if he`s walking like a horserider it could be running on diesel,....hard to tell.
The Norseman

Yes!!!....we have no bananas,....
hello again
i have gotten hold of the mot paper while jim was having his afternoon nap and in the box for fuel it says yes. and young man i have more knitting pattern that i need at the moment but thanks any way.
when i was younger we used to be able to get something called marryuwanah at the chemist and it was really good for calming jim down. now i have to put up with him getting drunk and snorring all afternoon. luckily for me they have bingo on at the old roxy so i' went down there after lunch. when i came back the computor was on and jim was lying next to the landrover with the fuel cap in his hand. they've taken him to hospital for a check up and they are keeping him in over night. so nora and me are off to the local working men club for the night. before i go i would just like to thank the young man who sugested sniffing the fuel because now nora nad me can have a few drinks and you never know what the night will bring..
thank you all doris p rodrick
Oh, dear,....has he no sense of shame.? Emptying the whole tank!!. I said a couple sniffs,...
Some kind of a man . Hope he`s surviving.
The Norseman
I'm sure he's gonna be OK,
I think they will keep him in hospital and wait until he farts so that they can establish his emission levels.

Regards WP

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