
New Member
Hello folks, found this site the other day and thought I'd introduce meself. Cracking site! :)

I'm just on the top of the slippery slope back into the world of Landies after a few years away. I've got a basket case swb '62 IIA diesel (with a 90 lump and front end, not my doing) that I bought for restoration as a long term hobby but got sick of seeing it in bits so I've recently bought a lwb '72 SIII (diesel again) that's on the road. Having said that, I've just spent this afternoon taking the lid and the tub off because the chassis's been butchered in the past and I need to get me welder out for the mot. Here we go again....:rolleyes:
Hey up Andymac.

I'm a new larker here myself. Found the site when looking for defender info, and found loads.

I've seen a few series defenderized, and can't weigh up why someone would do it.

Anyway I reckon Slob will be along to take the **** in a bit. {8~}
hello andymac welcome to this humble site
we will do all we can to answer any questions to may have and indeed some you may not have.also if you would like to post some photographic replicas of your vehicles we would be more than happy to see them.
i myself have a basket case ser111 which is slowly coming together but as i'm a fat lazy bastid it could take some time.
some of the things we like to do on this site is to lunge verbally at greenies and hummers. we also like to get muddy and larf at chinese blokes recovering theiir 4x4 from simple places.
also some of the other bloke like to comment on my mechanic so don't worry yerself about telling any airbag jokes and the like cos we heard them all already.
any way enjoy your stay and don't be afraid to chip in with yer tuppence worth. we might think its ****e but so what most neigh all of wot i says is complete bollocks and don't y'awl let anyone tell you otherwise.
your landy friend slob

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