Have you got any interior pics? Just chucked the freelander up on Facebook to see what offers I get for it. Ideally wouldn’t want to sell it for cash without definitely having another car lined up to buy first though.
Yes sure i can get some, bit later after dinner
I should add, the drivers door handle came disconnected last time i went to it, it's in a sulk.. so that needs fixing urgently
I should add, the drivers door handle came disconnected last time i went to it, it's in a sulk.. so that needs fixing urgently
Ah right well that’s not a big job anyway. And no rush for the pics like I say all depends on what I get offered for mine ideally I don’t want to have to put any extra cash towards yours since I haven’t got a great deal spare but we will see.
Good news had a word with my brother and he would be willing to lend me the money until my freelander sells. So just a case of when you would be free to sort it out is all.

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