
New Member
Hello, i am a newbie here and i don't have a question yet, i have a freelander TD4 and i love it only had it since start of March and have no problems yet touch wood.

Have recently fitted EGR blanking mod and a synergy 2
Hello, i am a newbie here and i don't have a question yet, i have a freelander TD4 and i love it only had it since start of March and have no problems yet touch wood.

Have recently fitted EGR blanking mod and a synergy 2

Hello and :welcome2: Lee:D Have you got the water proof door mod yet:rofl:
Hello and :welcome2: Lee:D Have you got the water proof door mod yet?

Ignore ALL jibes about Freelanders water soluble doors!:)

Welcome to the 'land of make believe!' .. by which I mean everyone but Freelander owners like to make believe their vehicles are better than Freelanders!!

There is a great deal of information available here, just be prepared to meet the ocassional dig at Freelanders on the way!;)
Ignore ALL jibes about Freelanders water soluble doors!:)

Welcome to the 'land of make believe!' .. by which I mean everyone but Freelander owners like to make believe their vehicles are better than Freelanders!!

There is a great deal of information available here, just be prepared to meet the ocassional dig at Freelanders on the way!;)
Been looking for a water proof door mod but can only find one to fit a 110:)

That's the way it's done Lee! Great start....

oh and by the way, the puddles under Series/'Benders are self replicating......:scratching_chin:

As the Series/'Bender saying goes, "It don't leak!....it's marking its territory!"

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