I never bother waving at new shiny deependers unless they wave first. There Is one guy with a blue and white series 3 109 with black wheels and an england flag who i pass a lot in the opposite direction on my way home from work...hi if your on here!
Theres a few Defenders with all the toys but not a scratch on it and the drivers never wave lol .. but then theres the peeps who do wave and yes the Defenders and Discos all seem to be over 10 years old and look like they have a few scars to show lol ...
Im gona start doing two or three fast flashes on me lights lol and see who i can upset ,, but it will be me saying hello lol Not me being desperados lol :doh: .
i normaly get a 1 fingered wave from idiotic squaddies around Salisbury who drive in the middle of little country lanes with their boy'd up saxo's,especially when I wont drive a foot on the verge so they can carry on in the middle of the lane.Squaddie tossers.