
New Member
Hi, I'm new on here, hello to everyone.:) I've searched the site and just wondered if there is any social events or regular meeting in the Birmingham or North Warwickshire area.
I will update my profile soon with some pictures.
:welcome2: There's a laning group that regularily get together your way or make your way down the M5 to the Bristol & West LR show the weekend after next and say hi at the club stand :) The password to the executive bbq area is 'Dummy spitter' :p
what sort of social event are you looking for?

some of the gaylanderers get together every other tues to swap handbag tips and drink malabu if that's any good to ya?
Hi, thank you for your replys.
I am interested in the laning group that are near me. Could you please tell me how I contact them?
May very well visit the Bristol and West show if I'm free that weekend. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys!

Just scroll down the main forum page to the section called laning. Find the thread for the laning trip and post up :)


And welcome
wrong section but welcome along :doh:

Im in sutton coldfield, near the park. look for the warwickshre thread in the laning section. Were usually out and about, well some more than me, im not here enough. :(

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