
New Member
Hey guys,

I have decided now I have child number 2 the performance cars are not happening anymore. I am going to take up green laning and some pay and play days.

I have a cheap work commute vehicle now and access to the main family car that the mrs commutes in. So you can consider the car a 3rd car and purely a toy other than camping with the family occasionally.

I wanted a Defender 90 ideally but I have decided they are too impractical with the kids and I am not so keen on the larger 110.

I think I am going to chance the P38, I have done a lot of reading through the forum and opinions seem to vary over 2 extremes, nightmare and never had a problem lol.

All work will be done DIY, no job too large really but its the parts costs like gearboxes that seem the most scary. I would likely switch to coils and lift a little at the same time. None essential gadgets don't need to work really. I guess it could never be that scary could it :eek:

Oh and fuel economy can be poor too and I would prefer a V8 but it needs to be manual which seems to serious narrow my choice!
P38! :eek:

Having been on here a while i have heard the horror stories. But saying that i have a TD5 and there not without issues either.

i would go for either a 200 or a 300tdi for simplicity.

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