Quick intro - “I’m not a first time caller”. I’ve owned a Disco 2 (canny but needed to be parked down slope otherwise the rain leaked in through the roof), and a Disco 3 (canny bills.. but great vehicle. How many other cars can accommodate so much holiday clobber and a dog).. now looking for a Range Rover... under £12k that runs sweeter than a brew with 3 sugars. Here to learn from your experiences.
Quick intro - “I’m not a first time caller”. I’ve owned a Disco 2 (canny but needed to be parked down slope otherwise the rain leaked in through the roof), and a Disco 3 (canny bills.. but great vehicle. How many other cars can accommodate so much holiday clobber and a dog).. now looking for a Range Rover... under £12k that runs sweeter than a brew with 3 sugars. Here to learn from your experiences.

If you find it , can you tell us where you got it, as I'm in the market for a Unicorn, and it'll have to be from the same place images.jpeg;)

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