
New Member
Sorry if this is not the right place, but my head is a mess! Been a Land Rover (04 discovery 2 TD5) owner for two days and I have the dreaded milky oil.
I have had a couple of friends look at it and immediate thoughts are the head gasket. However, there are receipts (if they are genuine) from Nov 2015 showing the head gasket was replaced (including pressure testing, skimming, replacing all filters etc.).
This was an eBay buy and I should have been a lot more thorough. Haven't stopped beating myself up since.
It looked like a private seller, but he did have another two cars for sale at the same time! Trying to keep him on side at the moment as he has indicated that he may refund part of the fee to help cover repair costs. Failing that I will be raising a grievance through eBay and going to trading standards. May be a waste of time, but worth a try at least.
The registration document was not in his name (only noticed this after he disappeared with the cash), so I have a feeling he is buying from auction and punting them on.
It looked like a private seller, but he did have another two cars for sale at the same time! Trying to keep him on side at the moment as he has indicated that he may refund part of the fee to help cover repair costs. Failing that I will be raising a grievance through eBay and going to trading standards. May be a waste of time, but worth a try at least.
The registration document was not in his name (only noticed this after he disappeared with the cash), so I have a feeling he is buying from auction and punting them on.

Skimming Td5 heads isn't quite as straight forwards as it might be let alone reskimming.

Not within my field of (in)experience but somebody will be along soon to give good advice.

Trading Standards changed recently as well so there might be options to explore before committing.

I'll move this to General Chat to hopefully make it more visable.
No sense beating yourself up, so pull yourself together, and someone who knows more about TD5swill help you get to the bottom of your standard checks failure issue.
Bla bla, find a decent mechanic, get a pressure test and a couple of quotes based on that, see what monsieur Cheerful has to say, etc.
And since you don't seem to have had the warmest of welcomes to the world of Landy ownership, welcome :)
Thanks guys. Hopefully get it all sorted out soon and be able to start enjoying my new toy. I will post updates as things progress.

Any TD5 experts reading this know if the milky oil could be caused by something else (i.e. failed pump) rather than HG or cracked head/block? Also getting bubbling in the coolant tank, but no oil in there.
Could be an oil cooler failure letting the coolant in to the oil. Its under the exhaust, see here at about 3 mins in.
Td5 heads can fail but generally not oil and water mixing. More common is diesel into sump from crack around injectors or pressure in water from leak between exhaust side into water.
I'd look first at oil cooler as already mentioned. Another cause could be residue from previous failure, I've heard of people using soap powder in expansion bottle to clean it out, then drain and rinse and re fill with coolant.
The coolant does not appear to be contaminated, just milky oil in the engine and way above the max level. So definitely seems to be coolant going in to the oil.
The best place to start then is the oil cooler? Any tips on accessing this without removing the engine?
To prove coolant in the oil drain the oil into a clear container and leave it settle, if you do have a lot of water / coolant in it then it will eventually separate and prove it is contaminated.

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