Right am off to get me head down. am knackered. Apparently There's a garage for me to sleep in at the new house, which'll be nice cos sharing the shed with the bloody rabbit int been fun I can tell yu. :eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:
Right am off to get me head down. am knackered. Apparently There's a garage for me to sleep in at the new house, which'll be nice cos sharing the shed with the bloody rabbit int been fun I can tell yu. :eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

you have only just woken up,you should be packing boxes or summat.:p
you have only just woken up,you should be packing boxes or summat.:p

We have a great system ere. :rolleyes: Minty & her daughter pack the boxes & then I repack em so that I can close em :doh: and that way I'll be able to stack em on top of each other when they go in the Disco. :D

have cleared both bedrooms and got 90% of everything packed. Had to unpack the breakfast stuff so we can eat in the morning. :mad:

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