
Hello to everyone ,
i actually joined Landyzone back in 2011 but had a virus on my computer and was using a smart phone with bad reception to communicate and ask for help with my TD5 . Have since acquired a 300tdi 130 and will most definitely be more active in the near future ! so i felt i should introduce meself proper ! Expat living in Germany mad keen on landies!
:welcome2: back to the loonyzone, Rob! :)

Seems to be ex-pat day today, you are at least the second, one from neighbouring Austria popped up earlier! :confused: :D
:welcome2: back to the loonyzone, Rob! :)

Seems to be ex-pat day today, you are at least the second, one from neighbouring Austria popped up earlier! :confused: :D

Hello and welcome.:)
BTW Turboman Haute Vienne is a region of France nothing to do with Vienna.
Hello and welcome.:)
BTW Turboman Haute Vienne is a region of France nothing to do with Vienna.

Fair enough! :) I misread his location first up.

Are we celebrating the entente cordiale today then, or what? Special offer on xxxxx! :D

( Edited on legal advice! ;) :D )

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