
Well-Known Member
Someone backed into me at the shops. A fair shunt, and her Nissan plastic moulded back-end a wreck. I'm not one of those (I haven't got a sore neck or back and she couldn't believe how chilled I was about it all). I discovered that I'm a genuine landy owner :0)

There are specs of her blue paint on my bumper thing and corner of the body work, the odd body work chip and the wheel pressed against the door has scuffed the paintwork, so the shunt pushed my spare wheel in on the right, coming away from the rear door on the left by an inch. She's admitted liability, her insurer's repairer wants pics to order parts to prevent them having it for long enough for me to need a hire car.

I agreed to take the spare wheel off, the door card, and takes pics this evening, expecting the spare wheel plate to have damaged the door and the right wheel bolt to have gone through the door or twisted. Here's the pics. How can the right hand side of the spare wheel be pushed in yet no damage visible to the eye? There's chips of paint off on the door, but I'm a true landy owner, and my philosophy/feeling is to just tell them everything's OK. Before I do, am I missing some important damage I can't see???

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Check all the welds on the door frame for cracks. Does the door look out of alignment ?
All ok when you open & close it?

When you put the tyre back on make sure there is room for the wiper to move. Adjust the nuts to suit.
The problem with things like this is you don't notice any issues until later. Could you ask them to order a new door and you will sort it yourself? If its pushed the wheel into the door and it has altered what it was previously then something must have changed.

As soon as it goes anywhere near a body shop its going to be £100s, so why not give them the part no from someone like SP and say order you one of those or the cash equivalent - my guess is they will be happy but the may need quotes. New rear doors are showing at £230 - 300 on ebay, though you would need to paint, swap the bits and fit it yourself (the £300 is for the galv version!).

If she is claiming for hers then I can't see it raising her insurance any more if your parts are added. I just wouldn't like to think you say don't worry my truck is fine, then 6 months down the line you spot the damage
I think the three prongs that the spare wheel mounts onto have been shunted off centre, that would close the gap on one side. The rear doors are pretty flimsy even with the metal bracket/stiffener fitted for the spare - so having a nudge from behind will distort the legendary Solihull tolerances off true :)
Are you sure it's not the wheel that's damaged not the door / wheel mount? (I'd be surprised if a steel wheel is stronger than a landy rear door but...)
As above take it to the paintshop so they can have a look at it with the door card off.
I would suspect that the skin and frame are distorted enough for the wheel to close the gap to the door, the distortion being small but enough. You just cant Identify it.

Try and claim for a new galvy door, painted by them what have you too lose?;).

Get them to look at it:).
You never know he maybe a bit of eyecandy for you to watch for 15mins:eek::D.

As above take it to the paintshop so they can have a look at it with the door card off.
I would suspect that the skin and frame are distorted enough for the wheel to close the gap to the door, the distortion being small but enough. You just cant Identify it.

Try and claim for a new galvy door, painted by them what have you too lose?;).

Get them to look at it:).
You never know he maybe a bit of eyecandy for you to watch for 15mins:eek::D.


Move those bumper cover!
As above take it to the paintshop so they can have a look at it with the door card off.
I would suspect that the skin and frame are distorted enough for the wheel to close the gap to the door, the distortion being small but enough. You just cant Identify it.

Try and claim for a new galvy door, painted by them what have you too lose?;).

Get them to look at it:).
You never know he maybe a bit of eyecandy for you to watch for 15mins:eek::D.

Eye candy is just frustration. Now if his overall studs popped open and I suddenly found myself choking .... well that'd be worth the hassle of getting banged in the rear :p:D:p:D:p

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