helpme said:
ping pong. so you have come out of retirement just for this you must lead a very sad life
of course he does !!just like all them other video game names
i'm just waiting for lara to join in
but i'm sure she think stinky pong is a **** and won't take his side
slob said:
of course he does !!just like all them other video game names

Heyyyyyyyy Slob ... looks like you took my advice ...

what an anti climax.. every body and his brother has been waiting all night for something profound and meaningful and all we get is the same old bollocks from konkey plong
hud me back!!hud me back! nah don't bother its only a video game with the volume turned up
ping pong said:
seeing as how you don't have any respect for my off spring ,Donkey Kong, or his mate Super Mario i have come out of retirement to offer my support to them in this fight against ming and his empire of reprebates. as you know i am the father of all video games and it wasn't so long ago i ruled the video games scene so show some respect for those that followed in my foot steps, or should that be paddle steps.
come on donkey kong let sshow these real people that us games can think aswell
Keep my planet outa this. . .

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