DonkeyKong said:
Calm down, you seem to be getting quite confused with your choice of words and your typing is suffering. I would lose so much sleep if I was responsible for bringing on your promised heart attack sooner.

Maybe a mild stroke would come first, after all, you have mentioned on the WWW that you are a drug taker, they tend to have strokes first. (Yella Disco, don't get excited that I have used the word "stroke", that doesn't mean as in your cock"

I'm fascinated that this has to be the most unrelated forum thread and the site appears to have no moderators.

Still, my time spent will not have been in vain as I can now post the whole shebang off to the ISP of the forum along with my complaint that a most upsetting and repulsive forum has been opened under false pretences and it has absolutely nothing to do with Landrovers.

Without taking offence, you do talk ****e.

You can post anything you like to the server hosts, who host the forum, and it dont mean diddly squat. If its hosted in the UK somewhere down the line you could possibly enter into legal action under UK law, which would involve you issuing a writ of some description. If it's hosted on an off shore server, you best book a plane ticket before you can even BEGIN to complain about any content.
Forums, as the name suggest, promote free speech and as long as all parties are upfront, honest and have good character any personal insults can be upheld as malicious. If, however, anything is posted by a pseudonym to another pseudonym, it has no basis in law as a factual argument, here or abroad.

Essex police tried to shut my forum dickhead, they succeeded once on UK soil. It was moved to an American server, they were then ****ed. Any libellous action would have to be instigated on the servers home soil, according to their laws.

You are a buffoon, a complete pratt and dont know what your talking about.
And just to help you make a bigger pratt of yourself, i've included below a definition of "forum", to which this is. It does not state a forum has to be precisely for one subject, despite the theme of the site.

fo·rum ([FONT=verdana,sans-serif] P [/FONT]) Pronunciation Key (fôr
m, f
n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr
, f
    1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
    2. A public meeting place for open discussion.
    3. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.
  1. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
  2. A court of law; a tribunal.
Funny that, cuz you were on this forum for a good 15 minutes after i posted this reply.

Now far be it for me to be cynical here but surely your not going to ignore this post tonight, and come back with some witty intelligent derogatory remark tomorrow? (once you have had time to think about your bull ****ting attempt that didnt quite work and try some other big words).

Your ****ed now Dinky Thong aint ya? If you reply, it proves my point. If you dont, you look like the snivelling buffoon we take you for.

Best let it lie, eh?
ah was thinkin, as i sometimes do,. what would stinky thong do when he's old enough to get in a pub , and someone say a naughty word to him. will he A) go and complain to the barman and ask that the big boy with the foul mouth be removed B) write a letter to the licsening board asking that the pub's licence be revoked.
on another note he keeps muttering about being orf topic and he has yet to post anything remotely connected with vehicles of any sort let alone landrovers.
Not very nice weather for the time of year is it.

But then again :-

"April showers make May flowers"
"A cold April the barn will fill"
Lenny1969 said:
Without taking offence, you do talk ****e.

You can post anything you like to the server hosts, who host the forum, and it dont mean diddly squat. If its hosted in the UK somewhere down the line you could possibly enter into legal action under UK law, which would involve you issuing a writ of some description. If it's hosted on an off shore server, you best book a plane ticket before you can even BEGIN to complain about any content.
Forums, as the name suggest, promote free speech and as long as all parties are upfront, honest and have good character any personal insults can be upheld as malicious. If, however, anything is posted by a pseudonym to another pseudonym, it has no basis in law as a factual argument, here or abroad.

Essex police tried to shut my forum dickhead, they succeeded once on UK soil. It was moved to an American server, they were then ****ed. Any libellous action would have to be instigated on the servers home soil, according to their laws.

You are a buffoon, a complete pratt and dont know what your talking about.
And just to help you make a bigger pratt of yourself, i've included below a definition of "forum", to which this is. It does not state a forum has to be precisely for one subject, despite the theme of the site.

fo·rum ([FONT=verdana,sans-serif] P [/FONT]) Pronunciation Key (fôr
m, f
n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr
, f
    1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
    2. A public meeting place for open discussion.
    3. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.
  1. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
  2. A court of law; a tribunal.

Sorry for the delay in replying, only I have to earn a living unlike some who just wait for the jolly old giro to turn up on the mat.

Thanks for such a lengthy response, it really helps actually as it proves that this "forum" has **** all to do with Landrovers.

I really appreciate you playing into my hands so perfectly.
slob said:
ah was thinkin, as i sometimes do,. what would stinky thong do when he's old enough to get in a pub , and someone say a naughty word to him. will he A) go and complain to the barman and ask that the big boy with the foul mouth be removed B) write a letter to the licsening board asking that the pub's licence be revoked.
on another note he keeps muttering about being orf topic and he has yet to post anything remotely connected with vehicles of any sort let alone landrovers.

Awwwwwwww Slob, getting too close with my impression of a fat bastard having a heart attack? ...

You know, I have been searching the threads to try to find a thread response from you that isn't totally ****, but it is sooooooooooo time consuming ..I'll let you know if I find anything, but don't hold your breath ... fat bastards have palpitations if they do that ..

Ahhhh ... I see your not home from school yet, time to edit my post. This was a classic of yours, I see that you make habit of being a **** on here.

oh you know me so well..except
wots a internet warrior?
i'm too skinny to be fat
i'm never lonely and i can spell
usually happy specially after a bong or two
got 5 kids by 3 wimin
no **** at school was big enough to bully me
is the "wants to be black ?" a question?
if i was a mars bars i probelly would eat meself when i had the munchies
and i don't drink and only stink of **** after having sat in your landy.

and i don't love a collection of metal and plastic
slob said:
yer right!! you do keep telling us the same old **** we've heard a thousand times before. please take the rest of the evening off away from yer putor and see if you can come up with some thing new.. yer as bad as "the minging one " was. he kept repeating him self aswell... oh and do tell me why i'll be hooked up to expensive care units??? i have atleast 3 bongs aday and about 10 spilffs. so am fightin fit.
Hey. . . keep me outa ya tiffs. . .
seeing as how you don't have any respect for my off spring ,Donkey Kong, or his mate Super Mario i have come out of retirement to offer my support to them in this fight against ming and his empire of reprebates. as you know i am the father of all video games and it wasn't so long ago i ruled the video games scene so show some respect for those that followed in my foot steps, or should that be paddle steps.
come on donkey kong let sshow these real people that us games can think aswell

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