My mates call me baldrick. I'm bald incidentally through choice (well that's wot me missus thinks lol).
Got this amazing deal on a p38 got 3 month warranty made up till 4th month acquired a chain jumping sound, that's got very bad in the last 5 months a driver's door window that won't close it thinks I've got me head trapped in it or summet a boot that only opens when I've not got a weeks shopping in a trolley stood like a nutter in the rain, a stereo that refuses to play a full song without telling me all the travel news from anywhere in the UK that I'm not and central locking that locks me in or out or won't lock at all. Told ya I got a good deal lol. On a 100% positive note at least now I have somewhere spacious to stay when me n her indoors fall out guys u gotta try the P38 for overnighting WOW it's so liberating at 6ft tall n 16 stone I can finally speak my mind knowing I've more than a 2 seater couch or the mini Cooper OMG I'm living at last what would I do without my P38
Welcome to the landyzone. Suggest you take those problems to the range rover section. It'll help to clarify if it's a V8 or a diesel. I wouldn't like to try to sleep in my damp SWB S3
welcome mate, you have a lot of issues with that motor best get them sorted sounds like the ujs may have given up, or worse, the rear door lock, the driver window regulator the driver door mech prob the micro switch and as for the radio the head unit if your lucky the dsp amp if you have one then your screwed

oh by the way enjoy there great when they work lol

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