disco steve

New Member
Thought id finally sign up to this site .....small story comin!....owned 3 discoverys over the past 6years or so and have always looked to these forums as a viewer for advise etc on fixing them.anyway this disco has been ok apart from bust water pipe when i first bought it and you guessed it the dreadded head gasket ahhhhh! Well thats all fixed now and just a memory,the reason I've signed up today is because of a nice little leak on my sunroof, which has been there since i bought it. Its just decided to drip water over the steering wheel and short out the horn waking the whole street up!!!ran down and had to disconnect battery at 5.30 in mornin! So am i the one in the street (theres always one!!)that always seems to have my bonnet open fiddlin with the bloody thing but now appears to be an inconvenience and noisy bast@rd! Like its my fault!......just sayin. By the way im not always moanin just didnt get a lye in this saturday
I had the same problem with my sunroof. Water would come in and drip down over the interior mirror and over the dash and over on to the central gear column
There are 2 small holes in the sunroof one in each corner hard to see so you may need a torch. Sometimes the tubes come off or the plastic pipe cracks you can see them if you drop the head lining from the inside which will involve taking the interior mirror off and the grab rails from each side
Look at the bottom of the pipes first. They may be blocked from the muck that can get inside the bonnet by the bulkhead on each side. Pushing a small piece of wire down the tube may clear it or if not blowing it out with an airline under the bulkhead where the tubes come down to usually clears it.
Nice one thanks for that,think ill get out there and give it a go hopefully wont take too long cause family expectin a day out today!!!
Just out there fixin it now, good news really the overflow tube had snapped off so a bit of improvisation a small bit of pipe (raw plug sawn in half) an a load of silicone. Its right above the drivers head so top tip if in road rage dont punch the ceiling cause you might just snap it off!!!!![GALLERY=]

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