
New Member
Hello everyone,

I have been browsing these forums few times over the last few months, admittedly mainly because I wanted to see if others had same problems I had with my Land Rover. When I noticed the LandyZone meeting, figured I'd register as I hope to attend :)

I am a happy owner of Land Rover Freelander (3 door) Collector's 50th Anniversary Edition from 1999. She is an older lady with bumps and scratches but I love her. I only got my drivers license last October and this is my first car. Now I think I should have get my license sooner but I had no motivation while I thought I'd have to get some small first car, those are overrated. When we figured out I could get affordable insurance so I can have a Land Rover, I bought Driving Lessons the same day :D

My father changes cars quite often and we had SUVs couple of times, few years ago he bought Freelander 1 and I think thats when I started to love them. I just love bigger cars in general, when I get in I don't want to sit down just above the road, I wanna sit up and feel comfy.

I am really tempted to buy Range Rover when I am older (so insurance is affordable), I really like the 3rd gen. My only worry is learning to park with it, I manage just fine with Freelander but Range Rovers are even longer.

Should be buying my ticket for the meet up sometime soon, I haven't been camping in years but I think it should be fun, and I'd like to get my Landy meet others :) Will be first time driving that far from Leeds.

I think this is long enough for intro lol


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