
New Member
Hello All,
After lurking about for some time I have finally created an account. My name is Matt, from New Jersey,USA.

Been a Land Rover owner since high school, mostly Disco 1s and 2s, one NAS spec D90.

Currently own a 1997 Disco 1 V8 and a 1992 D90 LHD 200Tdi.

Have learned much from this form and appreciate all the useful information.
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Welcome aboard :)

We have two '97 D1's - both diesels, but would prefer the V8 all day, every day....:)

fuel cost over 'ere stopped that tho :(:mad:

Got any pics??
With all the choice of 'real' V8's & cheap fuel over there you prefer a 2.5ltr. (sorry 152cu in) 4 pot diesel :confused:
Lots of the V8 trucks over here were not maintained well and end up in the scrap heap. My V8 has been rebuilt from the block up and I enjoy it but fuel economy is terrible. I have owned four V8 Discos and all but one have been good. Diesels are viewed differently over here simply because they are a rare breed, a good amount of Disco owners have pulled their old V8s and dropped in a TDI motor where their state laws will allow.
Welcome chap :) whereabouts in the States are you ?

As above, lets' see some pics !
Disco owners have pulled their old V8s and dropped in a TDI motor where their state laws will allow.

As an ex truck & bus driver I confess the only oil burners I've any interest in at all are large multi-cylinder ones. I had a couple of friends in Belgium years ago who owned ex USAF Chevy Blazers from the mid 'eighties & ran V8 diesels, they seemed to go well on the tarmac but I never got to drive them off-road.



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