
New Member
From the looks of it there aren't many folks on here from the US! So far I have been reading up on some posts here and have found them helpfull so here I am. I just bought a 1967 Series IIa imported from over there towards the end of the 90s. I don't know much about it so I am starting to search out some series forums to finally piece some stuff together. Once, I start finding problems I will post but for now I will just be lurking and reading.
Happy Rovering,

They'll take the ****; Embarrass; be rascist against the septics sometimes; but all in fun and good humour (though being a yank you might have to do some work on the humour bit!)


The advice will be sound and sincere. The knowledge base is immense. We have everything from new guys who know nothing... to older guys who know little (like me), to qualified landy mechanics.

Welcome to the best landy forum!
Aye and welcome to the Loony Zone at least you had the good grace not to refer to the Atlantic as a Pond. As most of your fellow landy owners that arrive here seem to do :(

As stated this is a site that has very little moderation and heaps of British sarcasm and irony. Hope ya can deal with it.
:welcome2: thick skin and sense of humour are a pre-requisit here mate ;)
but 1 good point you didnt call it a "truck" so you must be ok :D
post some picys of yer landies and join it on the banter and give as good as you get :D;)
Thanks for the welcome and I look forward to learning more about my new rover and british sarcasm. Here are some quick pics Picasa Web Albums - jay - Series Rover and if anybody could shed some light on what I have, it would be welcome as the PO didn't know much about land rovers. So far I know that it is registered as a 1967 Series 2a 109 diesel. The wings have been changed, the grill is homemade but has the original underneath, the doors seem to be defender doors? and the doortops are homemade and soon to be replaced. I will have the papers in a couple of weeks so I will know more then.

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