Well done for having a go. A good, brave repair.

A breaker with Land Rover stuff to the roof? and at those prices?
I can't be the only one wondering how much it would cost to ship a container load to Britain.:D
Thanks peeps and I knew it would raise a few eyebrows on the prices, I really have no clue it would be to ship it to the UK, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be cheap though. I actually wanted to take some pics but was having a tough time walking through and sometimes on top of Land Rover bits.

Maybe I should look into a cheap and reliable courier service to the UK and Europe. I wouldn't mind shipping out stuff if its worth the trouble.
Is BECM still on Police mode? I've no idea why they would ship in that mode.
Actually haven't had a chance to connect a nanocom to it, since I don't have one, but a buddy does. All cars I've seen here are set on UK police mode, dunno why that is the case, maybe something to do with security settings ? Can't expect the police to be locked out trying to put in the EKA while the baddies get away :D

This logic board was from a Jap mode, so dunno if it is or not. BTW I haven't actually seen anywhere that can tell what really is the difference between Police mode vs normal. All that is ever mentioned is it is set up for a lot of extra stuff, but what exactly, anyone got a clue. If it really is the security I will switch it back to police as it was originally that way in my P38

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