
New Member
I've just bought myself a shiny new (to me anyway) Freelander td4 :) so i thought i better introduce myself now before it breaks down and i'm looking for help;) you might have guessed from the title i'm from scotland but i'm sure that wont be held against me:D anyway hello fellow landrover owners i will try to post as much as i can to stay in touch

Being from Scotland wont be held against you. Owning a Freelander will though. Get your armour on.

Welcome :)
Welcome to the nuthouse :welcome2:. Where abouts in Ayrshire you from?

Can't slag you about owning a Hippo though, my Classic is currently sitting at the front door refusing to start. Safe bet though the extensive collection of scotch clips under the dash are the problem :mad:
Aye welcome. Hope ye've got a thick skin and a guid sense o' humour.... ye'll need thum wi' ownin' a gaylander;):D
thanks bkplants i might just take you up on that.

surely owning any landrover and a good sense of humour must go hand in hand:D
thanks bkplants i might hold you to that cuppa one day

surely all landrover owners need to have a good sense of humour its the only way to survive the breakdowns and skint knuckles:D
I know with the landies i've owned, if i did'nt laugh, i'd cry when it came to things going wrong and finding bodges done by previous owners!


Good fun though, until it breaks in winter!

thanks bkplants i might hold you to that cuppa one day

surely all landrover owners need to have a good sense of humour its the only way to survive the breakdowns and skint knuckles:D
Sunny Scotland!!!! I've just driven back down from Edinburgh, It sure wasn't sunny there. Although my mates TDV6 did make it a pleasnt trip.

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