
New Member
hello well where to begin - I didn't mean to buy a freelander I was looking for a small cheap car for work but I saw this big green thing and that was it.luckily im not usually impulsive but the last time I was I spent 5k on a big green bongo - that turned into a bit of a money pit like they do so you can imagine my joy at finding out about my :glass head gasket: but to be honest I don't like newer shaped vehicles and the shape of this yr 2000 { v-reg} is fantastic and if I have to I will drop a new lump into it.so there you are...hello I hope I can get as good - if not better support on here as I did on the fury site and if I can help anyone you knows where l is,
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thank you for the welcome.ive had a good look around and it seems all about keeping that head cold - has anyone considered fitting a scavenger fan only fitting it to a block temperature sensor instead of engine bay temp sensor ? does removing back prop put more strain on the engine ? and what are the fuel savings ? already used the hill decentl fix I found doesn't look like its been used - soon put that right
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