
I'm completely new to Land Rovers but not to classic vehicles having in the past owned several.
My original intention was to purchase a P38 Range Rover because I like the shape and relatively clean lines but after buying September's issue of Land Rover Monthly which had a review of the P38A I am now not sure what to get now.
It doesn't seem to be a reliable vehicle and that is what I require something, reliable.
Plus I must admit I would like to have a go at some off roading.
30 years ago I used to do Autograss Racing, well a form of it, didn't have the off roading looking buggies back then.
And auto tests plus a bit of hillclimbing.

We did a laning around Torbay and Dartmoor just a few weeks ago.

As for the Rover, forget P38 and a look for a good TD5 Discovery or TD6 L322.

We did a laning around Torbay and Dartmoor just a few weeks ago.

As for the Rover, forget P38 and a look for a good TD5 Discovery or TD6 L322.

TD5 Discovery or a TD6 L322.

These I expect are the newer ones?

I'm looking at a maximum budget of say £5000 or less, less would be better but then I could be heading into rebulding territory which is something I don't particularly want to do.

And who or what is Vagrent?

if you dont know already its best kept that way,just ask Oddie and 3.5Efi, they both walk with a waddle now, sadly.

oh and :welcome: remember arse to the wall and dont make eye contact and you might be alright
thats his favourite chat up line isn't it? "alright my lovely, now show me the rear end gate, bitch"


Actually we thought he'd sent someone else as this mutant was very quiet and hardly spoke.

unlike the one we know of on here who is, shall we say, quite outspoken. :confused: :confused:
stayed in newton abbot in pikey wgon got woke at 12 by guy's running across field behind van 12 foot or so shoot shotguns. Always thought they wer after rabbits then i came on here and met vag "it was the locals they wer shooting!"
That's why you never go out in the dark down in Mutant Abbot.

I don't.
Live too far out of town for me to walk into.
Plus due to my disabilities I can't walk very far anyway.
Such is life as they say.
Just have my trusty Honda Accord to get me around. :)

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