
New Member
Hello everybody,

Just a quick hello to introduce myself, my name is Jack and after around 2 years of half-looking and dreaming I bought a nice defender about two weeks ago.

Ta da!

I've been a member here for a little while, just reading this forum has been invaluable whilst I've been looking so thank you.

She needs a few things done, so look out for lots of annoying questions over the next few weeks :D


Nice shiny 'fender! Watch out for losing the snorkel if you take it green laning..these things have been known to happen!
Thanks guys. Yeah it is a bit shiny, but it's been a car all it's life. One careful lady owner and all that. Sold it because the kids can't go on the benches so she's bought a td5 disco.

The snorkel I'm not a huge fan of, will likely come off when I can be bothered. That's on the list, after soundproofing, new stereo, undersealing, some way of making it go faster, water proofing, etc etc etc. :)
:welcome: to the mad house.

Nice 'fender :)

Problem with removing snorkel is their will be holes in the wing. So best to leave it on.

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