
New Member

I just wanted to say "hello". I'm new to all things Landrover - other than I think I'd like to start with a cheapish Series III (because I've been told that's a good starting point). I shoot a bit, and own a messy Springer Spaniel - so would like to a) Go off the beaten track a little and b) not worry too much about a muddy dog in my vehicle!

All advice and help gratefully received - I live in Hampshire, UK - so if anyone is local(ish) I'd welcome the chance of a look at/ ride in one, if that's not asking too much?


I just bought my first s3. Few teething problems but its getting there! One of the main mags has a buyers guide in it this month, was a fiver well spent. Think its landrover owners or something.

I also shoot a bit and have a muddy dog! I would really suggest you drive/ride in one before you rush out and buy! I love mine but its like nothing I have ever driven before. Its just passed an MOT and comapred to normal (boring!!) cars it does feel like a bit of a death trap! I bought a 1982 model for the advanced features like servo on the brakes. It also has a few luxury items that the older models dont such as 2 speed windscreen wipers!

Your a bit far for a play in mine, I am in merseyside! Good luck with the hunt for a good one, I looked at some real crap and am glad I managed not to rush out and buy the first one.

Hi I'm in Norfolk but have a Classic Range Rover (which is a bit of a beast compared to a S111. I would have said Range Rover's are cheaper than S111's

Yes, but there is something about the Series that does it for me. The 'Daktari', 'Africa here I come' feel, plus the fact that you do not have to apologise to other road users for tootling along at 40mph 'cos you could, if the impulse took you, just turn right into the countryside and head off into the sunset.

Weekends can consist of showing up 90's off roading, stump pulling (the kind of gardening I can live with) or even attending Classic Car shows for a laugh - gets more attention than some of those highly polished cars I can tell you!

Then in the summer you take the roof & door tops off, fold the screen down and go catch bugs in your teeth!

However, if you want to commute daily in it, or keep your teeth & hearing, a dry head, not turn into Arnie from the steering, not have one leg larger than the other from pressing the brake pedal ever harder then best go for an wimps car like the Range Rover. Did I say that or think that?
Thanks for making me welcome! I bought the Landrover mag(s) - Landrover Monthly and Landrover Owners International - today (along with the guide - thanks, Mike). So all I need to do now is find a good 'un! (I resisted the temptation to rush out and buy one on the weekend - now glad I did; looks like I've got a LOT to learn first...!)

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