
New Member
Hi folks. Just joined here today to see if I can get some help with some P38 gremlins. Seems a very friendly site and I reckon I'll be here a while so I'd better introduce myself.

I'm James, I'm an aircraft technician in the RAF and I'm a 80's/90's BMW enthusiast! I've been through 17 cars in about 10 years, some were family cars, some projects, some donors. With the exception of an XJR (a box that had to be ticked), I have only had BMW's. But now I've decided it's time to tick another box. I've always wanted a 4x4 and Range Rovers have always been on top of the list ever since I was young when my dad took home a Mk1 Vogue to review on as an agricultural reporter.

So now at the age of 39 I finally have one and I'm loving it despite already getting involved with the suspension calibrating and the current 'check engine' light issue. To be honest I quite like having faults to learn about, searching the internet for advice, meeting interesting people and trying to source parts for the most economical cost.

That's probably enough about me. You guys are probably more interested in the car. It's a year 2000 DHSE, at least I think it's an 'H'! It's a very high spec anyway. I bought it for £2500 and it has 130k. Here it is

Oh, I'm a single dad and that's my daughter. I put that pic on because I thought I'd mention that old range rovers have quite a 'cool' factor to a seven year old.
:welcome2: to the loonyzone, James. :)

I am a long way from you, but I know Moray well, my brother in law lives in Findhorn, and one of my best mates by Forres.

Looks like a nice rangie, there are some good deals to be had on older rangies and discos just now. Lot of machine for your money :) Hopefully it will help you get over your bmw problem :rolleyes::D
I still have my little E30 cabrio which has just been laid up for the winter months so I'm not quite over the BMW thing yet. Your brother in law is not one of them hippys at the foundation is he? :)
I still have my little E30 cabrio which has just been laid up for the winter months so I'm not quite over the BMW thing yet. Your brother in law is not one of them hippys at the foundation is he? :)

No! :eek: Definitely not!, My mother in law used to call them the Hairy Willies :rolleyes:

He lives in one of the old fishermans cottages, and works offshore in oil exploration :)

I also have a P38 and a number of BMW's of that vintage, but I've just sold my immaculate 840Ci and am about to try and find a new home for my E36 318is which I've owned for just coming up to 10 years and has only just clicked over 70,000 miles due to hopefully purchasing my ideal home!

Great looking car.....with the exception of that awful 4x4 sticker. A class car should not adorn such graffiti that would be better suited to a beat up Suzuki SJ. And what a bargain for 2.5 k

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