
New Member
Thought i better say hello as i have been hiding on the sidelines for a while, I had a Disco 1 V8 years ago but couldn't handle the fuel bills this time round so have only managed to get a TD4 Freelander. (tin hat on and ready for the incoming). :)
Thought i better say hello as i have been hiding on the sidelines for a while, I had a Disco 1 V8 years ago but couldn't handle the fuel bills this time round so have only managed to get a TD4 Freelander. (tin hat on and ready for the incoming). :)

:welcome2:to the Warzone buddy ;)
welcome fella,

this place is goldmine of info, might get bit of an ear bashin for the freelander tho.

I know there's a pounding coming for the freelander but it's just nice to have a green oval on the drive again, even if it is for poofs.

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