
Hi all, I'm Chris from Lytchett Matravers, near Poole, Dorset. I'm about to but a tatty old Disco 1 and join the local off roading community for a bit of fun. I thought I would sign up as these old things seem to need plenty of tlc, so I hope the fun factor won't be overshadowed by big bills.
Please feel free to get in touch especially if you are in my area.
cheers y'all.
Strongly considering it mate.They do off road and green laning days which sounds like bags of fun. I'll say hi when I do.
Be careful. I am no expert in discos (or anything tbh) but I hear that their chassis(?) goes bad very quickly, and a cheapy one might be in a state not suitable for off-roading. Make sure you know your stuff, or bring someone alone to look at it before you commit to buying. I hope someone with more knowledge will come in here and tell me I'm wrong, or give more info.
Well I bit the bullet and bought a 98 R plate Discovery 1 today. I chose it because it's pretty solid and fairly rust free below, even though the bodywork is showing a fair amount of blistering around the edges. It's also just been MOT'd so it's got a year of use at least.

Tomorrow oil/filter change and strip and clean the brakes & bleed the fluid.
Hi 34064, yes I'll join the DLRC, I think their next meeting is early August so I will aim to come along for it. What time do they meet?
Hi 34064, yes I'll join the DLRC, I think their next meeting is early August so I will aim to come along for it. What time do they meet?
Yeah its first Friday of the month about 1930 at Wimborne football club I'll be there with my D2
I feel like I've achieved a lot this week: derusted the sills and centre chassis, sealed the sunroofs and cleaned the headlining, stopped the rev counter from bouncing, oil change, got the wheel nuts and knackered locking nuts off (thanks Uncle Derek). And I couldn't have done it without the brilliant postings on Landyzone. Thanks to all who have contributed. :)

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