Friday the thirteenth turned out well for me.
After being off the road for about ten months me disco flew through its MOT today. It good to be back being a landy driver again. I's been whizzin round the lanes with a smile on me face.
More Than didnt charge me any extra swapping from the little ford puma to the disco either..
Off to pick up another engine tomorrow as i never did find out what was causing the low oil pressure..
Friday the thirteenth turned out well for me.
After being off the road for about ten months me disco flew through its MOT today. It good to be back being a landy driver again. I's been whizzin round the lanes with a smile on me face.
More Than didnt charge me any extra swapping from the little ford puma to the disco either..
Off to pick up another engine tomorrow as i never did find out what was causing the low oil pressure..

Did Simon test it?
Been down my first green lane in the disco. This lane is close to me but I have never been down it because I was always told it was not passable in a 4x4.. The farmer asked me to lay a hedge down one side so I got to go down there. It scratched the car up a bit, but its passable. Hedge laying is one of my fav jobs.. Its hard work n I am not all that clued up on it, but I love to have a go..
Is this the new engine or are you still using the old one
I got your old engine in last weekend. Took me three days to complete as i had a wiring complication. I put in a new timing belt n pulleys, n got a new clutch kit in. She runs a treat and there is no oil light coming on which i am well pleased with. No smoke either :0)
Do you know many up arohnd that way im from falmouth way
Sorry chap, just seen this.. I only know the little green lane nr me..
Do you go out in your truck much off roading

Every day at the mo, on the farm i am stone walling on. Nice place to be in this weather :0)
I dont go out green laning though, but only cos i dont want to get stuck on my own. Only got road tyres on her too..
Looks spot on that does
Would you be interested in joining a couple of us at bush farm this coming Sunday
Looks spot on that does
Would you be interested in joining a couple of us at bush farm this coming Sunday

No mate.. Thanks for the offer, but i used to do a lot of pay n play n ruined cars doing it. I get the red mist doing stuff like that n will want to try n do stuff that i shouldnt be on road tyres.. I totally depend on me Disco and cant afford to ruin it.. Happy to do green lanes though :)
Have a good one :0)
Not been on here for a few years.. Had a landyzone rescue shout earlier, so good to see all still carrying on..
Posting here cos i am still driving my old dog disco thats on this thread from 2011. Its been a fantastic vehicle. I use it every day for work and last week it did two 500 mile journey's with no problems at all. She is showing her age now and needs some new welding which i will get onto at some point.
Will try and get on the forum a bit more often..
Cheers n gone..

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