
New Member

New to the forum so stopping by to say 'hello' to you all.
Bought a 1997 Disco TDi Auto last year - the best car I've ever had by far. No going back now :D and plans are afoot for a second one.
I'm looking forward to being part of the forum. Cheers!

New to the forum so stopping by to say 'hello' to you all.
Bought a 1997 Disco TDi Auto last year - the best car I've ever had by far. No going back now :D and plans are afoot for a second one.
I'm looking forward to being part of the forum. Cheers!

Hi. Welcome to the depraved world of the landy lover. I hope you take the **** take and the banter in your stride.;)
Hi. Welcome to the depraved world of the landy lover. I hope you take the **** take and the banter in your stride.;)

Thanks for the welcome, Ratty. Don't worry, I've had a good look around and I think I've got the gist of things around here ;) I like the **** take & banter approach to forum use....very healthy! :D
...ello ,as ratty has mentioned you may
abuse anygaylander ****e box ya like.INfact i pulled out in front of one only this morning:eek:

:pound:Good for you Beast, that's the spirit! Nothing worse than a gaylander bimbling into the path of your wheels...

Cheers for the welcome, by the way.

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