
New Member
Hello everybody, thought I'd do the decent thing and introduce myself here.

I own a LR Series 2A from 1969... Boy, that sounds so awesome :D I've always dreamed of owning a classic Landy and after a long search I finally found the car that I wanted and bought it just yesterday.



It's in a pretty good state, just a little rust on the bottom, but nothing which is compromising the structure. Other than that some minor repairs and it's ready for cruising this Summer. Starting from the Winter I'll start the complete and thorough renovations.

Not sure what to expect: never driven a Landy before and obviously never worked on one either. But I'm looking forward to the adventure :)
:welcome: nice looking Series.

Does look rather a lot like a post '72 SIII but least it's not sat on coils :)
Does look rather a lot like a post '72 SIII
It doesn't look like a "normal" SIIA indeed. I think it has to do with the grill, the color and the big tyres...

That's a bit the dilemma I'm facing at the moment: do I restore it to it's original look (so that also means back to olive green instead of bright orange) or do I keep it like this? I think classic cars should be as original as possible, but on the other hand this baby looks so badass...:D

Doesn't have the original engine either anymore: there's a Mercedes 200D purring under the hood...
Hello. I too am a newbie to the forum.

Restore it to original? Nah! It looks good as is. You must have thought so, you bought it.

If you're going to that, in my opinion you might as well buy a chassis and build one.

I've always thought of these as Meccano sets for adults.

Embrace the improvements that are made and don't worry wether or not you'll ever find the original dust caps.
Orange is not my favourite colour, but it doesen't look half bad so I would leave it. You can change the colour any time. I think you need to attend to the underside first. People will not have any problems spotting you coming down the road. Good high viz colour. Enjoy
Orange is not my favourite colour, but it doesen't look half bad so I would leave it. You can change the colour any time. I think you need to attend to the underside first. People will not have any problems spotting you coming down the road. Good high viz colour. Enjoy

True, priorities......check out that rear cross member carefully, it's been plated over big style.

Original is nice but not important.
I would just change the grille so it would look just a tiny bit more unique. I find the 2a the best land rovers so far

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