
New Member
And I'm a Brit, so quit it with the Aussie jokes :p

Been out here for four years now, and MrsH has been desperate to get something bigger than her old Suzuki Vitara. I was gonna go for a Jeep, 'cos we've had one in the past and liked it, but we looked at a '96 Discovery and she loved it... (and it was cheap)

So, total newbie at owning these things, although I did used to drive S3s back in me RAF days. Had this Disco for a week now and I'm really loving it; so much that it's becoming MY vehicle already. Only found a couple of niggling faults so far and I'll research before getting laughed at for asking a noob question.

Looking forward to chatting with you all. Cheers.
ǝuozʎǝuool ǝɥʇ oʇ ǝɯoɔlǝʍ puɐ pɐǝɥɹǝɯɯɐɥ ʎɐp,ƃ
Very clever wafty!

Cheers all. We were out this afternoon and I switched on the A/C. All good until about twenty mins later when the engine temp started to soar... Switched off the A/C and the temp dropped back to normal within a couple of mins.

Is it stuff like this that has sent you lot loopy, I wonder?
G'day H/head, You might find the problem is the radiator is blocked or partly blocked. Take i to a radiator place and thay might be able to chemically clean the radiator or as it was in my case with similar symptoms the rad had to be replaced.....expensive.
Where abouts in Oz are you?
Cheers for all the welcomes!

And ta for the info, boxhead. Too busy to deal with it at the mo, as MrsH is working over in India for a week so I'm looking after the little one 24/7

We're also in Sydney, I really should add that stuff to my profile thingy. Heading out in the Landy now though, to buy some camping gear, yeah

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