James set your putter to american english and your spelling will change:D

Your's is set for Brit english M8:p:p:p:p

So when you retire from work, you are retired. When you retire your car is it retired to the scrap yard or have you fitted new rubber on the wheels? Makes no difference if it's set to US en or English en it's how you press the buttons that does the spelling John. Unless you have US spell check installed that is.:D:D:D
So when you retire from work, you are retired. When you retire your car is it retired to the scrap yard or have you fitted new rubber on the wheels? Makes no difference if it's set to US en or English en it's how you press the buttons that does the spelling John. Unless you have US spell check installed that is.:D:D:D

Yes that it is wammers Spell check james spell check:p:p:p:p
Sorry for not responding sooner all. Took a bit of turn for the worst and had to go back to the VA. Seems they didn't fix my leg like they were supposed to and had to remove more of it. So now instead of having my stump below the knee, it above it. Guess that will show a Medical Service Officer from trying to run convoys. Well, you can imagine I wasn't in the mood for any rubbing (either mean spirited or joking) Depression sucks; along with phantom leg pain. Anyways, I'm home now and was looking at some of the web sites. Still like the 90LHD. Any input?
Sorry to hear the news. I hope things start to become a bit smoother for you.

The 90 will cost you here in the States. But, if you've got the coin, go for it! If you get one, don't be a stranger.
Sorry for not responding sooner all. Took a bit of turn for the worst and had to go back to the VA. Seems they didn't fix my leg like they were supposed to and had to remove more of it. So now instead of having my stump below the knee, it above it. Guess that will show a Medical Service Officer from trying to run convoys. Well, you can imagine I wasn't in the mood for any rubbing (either mean spirited or joking) Depression sucks; along with phantom leg pain. Anyways, I'm home now and was looking at some of the web sites. Still like the 90LHD. Any input?

Hi jj, Firstly welcome to the site, and I am sorry to here about the injuries. I am serving with the 1st Bn Irish Guards, and have done tours of the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. Lost friends along the way. The Guys on here are a good bunch of blokes (very dry British humour, body armour required) but they will help out with info and advice happily. :welcome2:

PS nothing tows a broken hummer better than a landy.
Sorry for not responding sooner all. Took a bit of turn for the worst and had to go back to the VA. Seems they didn't fix my leg like they were supposed to and had to remove more of it. So now instead of having my stump below the knee, it above it. Guess that will show a Medical Service Officer from trying to run convoys. Well, you can imagine I wasn't in the mood for any rubbing (either mean spirited or joking) Depression sucks; along with phantom leg pain. Anyways, I'm home now and was looking at some of the web sites. Still like the 90LHD. Any input?

Gratch that is so sick to even ask :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Let alone being so disrespectful. This time you are being a real jag off:mad::mad::mad: Way out of line

Get ****ed John. One of my mates lost his leg above the knee by being run over by an articulated lorry when he was 18, I take the **** out of him but he gets on with life, has a full time job, rides a mo'bike and doesn't even claim dis-ability benefits.

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