
Hi all, on Thursday we pick up our 1st ever land rover. We have gone for a 54 plate td4 auto, and can't wait.

Anything I should look out for, any improvements you can suggest or problems to fix, will be greatly appreciated. Our car has had the prop removed for MPG, although really considering putting it back in.

Thanks :)
Hi there, I guess the first thing to do would be to research the main reason the prop would be disconected for. Im sure a fl owner with more knowledge than myself will be along shortly.
Welcome by the way
Leave the prop off to avoid all the transmission wind up and eventual IRD and/or diff failure. You can always bolt it back on for a snowy period.
And welcome.
Hi peeps. I was thinking of leaving off, at least until next winter. Until then I will be the odd guy with a 2wd land rover :)
Hi all,

Right. Got the freelander today. After 10 miles the ECU light came on its with the exclamation mark in the middle. We lost power as went into limp home. Had the RAC out and the RAC said its fuel pressure sensor. He took light off and went on our way, however first sight of a hill and the power went. Light remained off, however we had no power on way home, revs went max to 3750 and we struggled to break 60. We stopped and re started the car, and it was again fine until a hill.

Any ideas??


A worried husband to an upset wife!!

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