it is getting difficult to go anywhere these days.

Down here we have the Ridgeway, but most of that is closed now to 4x4's and motorbikes.

The ramblers blame the state of it on the off roaders but it's the bloody big tractors that drive along it to get into the fields that have ruined it
it is getting difficult to go anywhere these days.

Down here we have the Ridgeway, but most of that is closed now to 4x4's and motorbikes.

The ramblers blame the state of it on the off roaders but it's the bloody big tractors that drive along it to get into the fields that have ruined it
Aye, up here there's no green lanes. If ye want to go off road, then ye've got to go to pay sites.....Hang on... just came in mind of a local group of lads that do do some pretty hairy stuff-
Welcome to the Ae4x4 Club Website
at the moment im thinking of upgrading.

Had a go in a 2006 discovery 3 the other day, was very impressed. But also thinking of perhaps keeping the freelander as it has been no probs but also buying a 110 for playing around in.

Although I have to get that idea past the current mrs kergan!!
mind u the freelander has been good off road but nothing to harsh thrown at it though. Not enough ground clearance really.
at the moment im thinking of upgrading.

Had a go in a 2006 discovery 3 the other day, was very impressed. But also thinking of perhaps keeping the freelander as it has been no probs but also buying a 110 for playing around in.

Although I have to get that idea past the current mrs kergan!!
why don't ye give the missus the freelander, have the Disco for work and like ye say, get the 110 for a plaything/runaround;) :D
Christ, couldn't afford to keep all 3.

Would either be the disco 3 as option 1

option 2 would be the freelander and a 110 for a toy.

good thing is the current mrs kergan don't drive so I would have both to myself

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