
New Member
I've not long joined so thought I'd give this a go! I have just been given a swb series III, 30 yrs old, petrol engine and would love to get it back on the road asap. The touble is, I don't know where to begin! Can anyone help a damsel in distress?! I had a lwb series II for years and loved the old bugger to bits, it was a diesel and I knew what I was doing. Are there any knights in shining armour in the north wales/chester area who can give me a few hints?
Hello missus! Welcome to the mad house, you're bound to get loads of attention cos your a lass! But that's surely a good thing eh? ;) Am sure there's loads of helpful chappies up your way :p
Welcome tae the ant farm,,,, an dont take offence tae anybody,, its not there fault inbreading used to be so rife,,, hope yi enjoy yirsel,,,:) :) :)

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