Hi this is Sue I own a pink freelander, I'm into mild off roading and work in the hair and fashion industry.

I'm a post op transexual and I'm looking to talk to the muscular:hippie: guys on here

Sorry - dont buy it.

First post and you decide to spill the beans.

Wonder why you decided that you had to share that pish with us.
There are certain things we dont need to know and I believe your revelation was one of them.
Dont buy your story but if you have nothing else to fill your life batter on.
Hopefully you will be able to bring Land Rover issues to the table, the rest of your tale - I for one ain't interested in.
Sorry - dont buy it.

First post and you decide to spill the beans.

Wonder why you decided that you had to share that pish with us.
There are certain things we dont need to know and I believe your revelation was one of them.
Dont buy your story but if you have nothing else to fill your life batter on.
Hopefully you will be able to bring Land Rover issues to the table, the rest of your tale - I for one ain't interested in.

Okay as you wish, I seem to be tightening up in tight places, is this normal in a freelander
Darling I have a vagina
(they slit your penis like a sausage and turn it inside out)

I know just what you like you naughty boy!

Erm..no you dont...and you never will have. Its a mutilated penis, otherwise known as a Big P.

Enjoy your stay here...you might want to get that split personality looked at too...
Erm..no you dont...and you never will have. Its a mutilated penis, otherwise known as a Big P.

Enjoy your stay here...you might want to get that split personality looked at too...

Listen ****-stabber..i'll put up with your fake camp attention seeking behaviour on the open forum, but if you continue to send me pm's I WILL find your I.P address and send you a virus thats not arse-injected. OK?
Listen ****-stabber..i'll put up with your fake camp attention seeking behaviour on the open forum, but if you continue to send me pm's I WILL find your I.P address and send you a virus thats not arse-injected. OK?

Listen ****-stabber..i'll put up with your fake camp attention seeking behaviour on the open forum, but if you continue to send me pm's I WILL find your I.P address and send you a virus thats not arse-injected. OK?

Linux baby, If you can find my ip address we can laugh together:D.

Your obviously worried by your sexuality-sweet transexual
Rocky horror show snigger, old storm is getting some shemale


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