big bird

New Member
Hi all
from a warm,dry and sunny aberdeenshire i'm on my second disco td5 and have just got the wife a freelander, hopefully we'll have some snow soon!:D
I'd have let her have the disco but i cant afford to keep rebuilding the walls of the house,carpark bridges and any thing else that gets in the way.oh and I sold the first disco for a profit! how often dose that happen?
I'd have let her have the disco but i cant afford to keep rebuilding the walls of the house,carpark bridges and any thing else that gets in the way.oh and I sold the first disco for a profit! how often dose that happen?

Is she blonde and have a driver license
Hi all
from a warm,dry and sunny aberdeenshire i'm on my second disco td5 and have just got the wife a freelander, hopefully we'll have some snow soon!:D

What do you mean you've got a wife? When I saw your name I could feel the hopes of whole of the LZ male population rising.:mad:
Fit-Like, min ... I am also new ( but to this site only .. as far as the world goes, I'm anything but new ). & also in Aberdeenshire, but it must be a different one to the one you're in .. cause its never warm sunny and dry in my one.
Meterorogically, "Caul', dreech, blawin' a hoolie and pishin doon" would be relatively accurate.
Orra' best ! :)
It's like a cnvention for peelywally jock gits on this fred.

I was working with a bloke fae Dundee one day... He was up a ladder when he dropped a quid; he ran down the ladder and a pound coin hit him on the head!

At least he got his wife the gaylander and him self the disco
Saved himself a hole lot of abuse:beer2:
He must be ok there's been no crys of "burn it!!" or saying he should be in the gaylander section i think this one maybe safe. (MAYBE!!!!):flame::flame:

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