
Good Day All, after browsing several 4x4 forums I have decided that the ethos and great craic on this forum is The forum for me - hope the sentiment will be reciprocated! I have had my '92 Defender 90 CSW Auto for 16 years now and still love it. So it must be incurable? Yes it is an auto, no autocorrect error. It has an auto box from a 200 tdi Disco 1. I just like slush-boxes, always have since my '76 Scimitar.
Just about to replace the (leaking) fuel tank once the replacement arrives. This one only lasted 5 years. Still undecided over 1) removing tank second skin/guard and applying a heavy-duty coating to the tank or 2) sealing the gap around the edges. Or option 3, fit as is and hope this one lasts longer! While I'm here - any recommendation for effective hand-cleaners?
The forum eggspurts on rust prevention are found int tratter section on this ere forum. They'll know the best rust worm products to use. They'll also give yer tips on patch welding a roses tin to get yer chassis through the mot. ;)
patch welding a roses tin to get yer chassis through the mot. ;)
Doesn't work anymore, they make Roses tins outa plastic these days. If you want a tin one you gotta empty out the one you've been saving all yer spare nuts bolts and general car crap in for the past few decades. :D
So cardboard and underseal is a no-no? I guess it would stand-out, being stronger than the rest of the chassis?
So cardboard and underseal is a no-no? I guess it would stand-out, being stronger than the rest of the chassis?
Yer be surprised just how many actually do that. Some of the tratterers on ere have bought tratters with cardboard or coke can repairs. Seems to hold the rust together ok. Both substandard when compared to roses tin but always a good laff when they post up the photos.

It's true they use plastic to house chocolates these days so we'll have to come up with an alternative.

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