Ok so i have managed to sort the indacators it was a dodgey hazard switch.

The hand brake is better but still poor.

I have had the most trouble with the first reverse issue, is there a a lack of disinction between first and reverse. i can tell if i was in reverse as to move back into second i have to come back across but to put it back straight into first is a bit hit and miss. where i live is all hills and valleys so its a right pain in the behind.:mad:

I now know that the reverse lights switch is dead as i briged the wires earlier and the reverse lights came on so i know that the wiring is all good.... the switch would not be causing the issue would it? and point 2 how the devil do you get it out from there! cant get at it from the console side and its upthe top of the gear box from underneath is it a big socke and extension or am i being dull and missing something?
you can just get a spanner om the switch to loosen it and unscrew it by hand.

i still reckon you might find its the reverse detent mechanism thats causing your problem, you'll soon see when you take the switch out whether it works or not.

FAR easier to remove centre console and rubber transmission tunnel gasket, and then you can work from above AND see whats going on.
/\ what he said,

+ when I was a kid my old man showed me when driving series landies if you want to hit 1st everytime put it into second and go straight up from there so there's no chance of accidentally hitting reverse, it's a habit I got into years ago and now do it without even realising.

Have a look at this for the reverse light switch replacement,
I know it's for a 110 but the only difference is you need to remove the centre console & rubber gaskets etc to get to it from above and it's an easy job from there.

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