In an age of maximum return for very little effort I should hope you're not surprised by being kicked in the nuts before even starting.

This is an 'old school' forum run by people who remember what life was like before the state decided we needed our arses wiped for us.

We help those who put themselves out and give equally to the amount of help required rather than sit back and watch everyone else grafting.

If you want blue sky bollocks then contact the Apprentice.

Learn to spell, gain the facts and don't expect anything for nothing.
In an age of maximum return for very little effort I should hope you're not surprised by being kicked in the nuts before even starting.

This is an 'old school' forum run by people who remember what life was like before the state decided we needed our arses wiped for us.

We help those who put themselves out and give equally to the amount of help required rather than sit back and watch everyone else grafting.

If you want blue sky bollocks then contact the Apprentice.

Learn to spell, gain the facts and don't expect anything for nothing.

I agree completely with you as there are too many of that sort out there. And as i said in hindsight I could have worded my original post somewhat better. So the ballock kicking is to be expected fair enough.

However I am 46 have grafted all my life, on the tools not behind a PC, hence still getting the hang of it.

I have spent my life doing things for others and will continue to do so. I searched those scrap yards for them off my own back, not that i need a pat on the back for it. I did it in good faith and you know what I fukin enjoyed it, more fun than any job ive done in years, even the the job i still have.

It was a challenge and it made it interesting, I found some blinding old Cars and Lorries, took some lovely pictures for my own collection; and if it helped them in the long run, happy days everyone wins.

I dont blame you lot for giving me the grief as hell why not you dont know me.
I have an idea for a business and its not a commision business I charge no one for joining or doing whatever they do on there its Free.Its about puttiong Mr A in tough with Mr B so they can help each other.

I definately wont be saying 'this time next year Rodders' as that aint gonna happen, i may get some revenue from adverts if im lucky and that will be pocket money at best. But ntil I find someone to teach me how to spell, I will not get many advertisers either.

I think with all my faults you kindly point out, that if I was out to scam the poor and vulnerable, they should be pretty damn safe from me. A dyslexic, pc illiterate, over sensative good samaritan, rat catcher.

the world is safe for now.:)
I agree completely with you as there are too many of that sort out there. And as i said in hindsight I could have worded my original post somewhat better. So the ballock kicking is to be expected fair enough.

However I am 46 have grafted all my life, on the tools not behind a PC, hence still getting the hang of it.

I have spent my life doing things for others and will continue to do so. I searched those scrap yards for them off my own back, not that i need a pat on the back for it. I did it in good faith and you know what I fukin enjoyed it, more fun than any job ive done in years, even the the job i still have.

It was a challenge and it made it interesting, I found some blinding old Cars and Lorries, took some lovely pictures for my own collection; and if it helped them in the long run, happy days everyone wins.

I dont blame you lot for giving me the grief as hell why not you dont know me.
I have an idea for a business and its not a commision business I charge no one for joining or doing whatever they do on there its Free.Its about puttiong Mr A in tough with Mr B so they can help each other.

I definately wont be saying 'this time next year Rodders' as that aint gonna happen, i may get some revenue from adverts if im lucky and that will be pocket money at best. But ntil I find someone to teach me how to spell, I will not get many advertisers either.

I think with all my faults you kindly point out, that if I was out to scam the poor and vulnerable, they should be pretty damn safe from me. A dyslexic, pc illiterate, over sensative good samaritan, rat catcher.

the world is safe for now.:)

If you'd have put some of that in your original post you'd have faired much better.
I can see the basis for what you are doing.

Certainly for somethings there are no financial values or very little yet can be handy. Like a kind of recycling link up.
If you'd have put some of that in your original post you'd have faired much better.

hindsight is a bitch, tell me about it.

To be honest I had a pal ask me whats in it for you, in reply to my scrap yard story...
Which sadly proves your point, there are too many that are growing up 'expecting' that we all owe them a living and its all about take take take a not a lot of giving.

my old girl rest her soul, spent her whole life giving, she set up after school clubs for kids, set up bingo nights for the OAPs and volunteered for everything on top of her full time job.Worked in a charity shop Up until she died, all and sundry used to pop up and visit her and me dad, most on the cadge for something or other. Then since the day we burried her, not a peep or visit out of any of them, the ungrateful thieving bastards.

Sorry got me going there,
In a nutshell i was brought up proper and therefore was lucky to learn manners etc. My wife now runs the same charity shop for CRUK and my kid does weekends there.

Its all about how you were brought up at the end of the day

Youth of today blah blah , you get the picture.
hindsight is a bitch, tell me about it.

To be honest I had a pal ask me whats in it for you, in reply to my scrap yard story...
Which sadly proves your point, there are too many that are growing up 'expecting' that we all owe them a living and its all about take take take a not a lot of giving.

my old girl rest her soul, spent her whole life giving, she set up after school clubs for kids, set up bingo nights for the OAPs and volunteered for everything on top of her full time job.Worked in a charity shop Up until she died, all and sundry used to pop up and visit her and me dad, most on the cadge for something or other. Then since the day we burried her, not a peep or visit out of any of them, the ungrateful thieving bastards.

Sorry got me going there,
In a nutshell i was brought up proper and therefore was lucky to learn manners etc. My wife now runs the same charity shop for CRUK and my kid does weekends there.

Its all about how you were brought up at the end of the day

Youth of today blah blah , you get the picture.

This forum is full of that. Hence why the For Sale section is restricted.

Another thread about the ungratefulness of people is running currently. So we're all fully aware.

It's not that anyone really expects gratitude but wow it sure shows up when it is lacking.
I can see the basis for what you are doing.

Certainly for somethings there are no financial values or very little yet can be handy. Like a kind of recycling link up.


Its like this. I wanted a wooden swing bench for garden, but could not afford the £250,

But the shop owner had rats and instead of paying through the nose for Rentokil, we did a deal. I baited his shop for 5 weeks, he gave me the swing bench from old stock. It cost him less as he bought it for about £150 and I had all the baits and poisens at hand so in theory it cost mee bugger all just a couple of hours graft over the month.

Win win.
This forum is full of that. Hence why the For Sale section is restricted.

Another thread about the ungratefulness of people is running currently. So we're all fully aware.

It's not that anyone really expects gratitude but wow it sure shows up when it is lacking.

Very true, its so widespread that i find myself mistrusting most people at first until you get to know them, as you just know your soon to be stitched up. Which is quite rightly what i got when i first arrived here.
So fairs fair as they say

(or is it spelt Fare??) lol
Very true, its so widespread that i find myself mistrusting most people at first until you get to know them, as you just know your soon to be stitched up. Which is quite rightly what i got when i first arrived here.
So fairs fair as they say

(or is it spelt Fare??) lol

It's still fair and fair. :D

Its like this. I wanted a wooden swing bench for garden, but could not afford the £250,

But the shop owner had rats and instead of paying through the nose for Rentokil, we did a deal. I baited his shop for 5 weeks, he gave me the swing bench from old stock. It cost him less as he bought it for about £150 and I had all the baits and poisens at hand so in theory it cost mee bugger all just a couple of hours graft over the month.

Win win.

I get it.
If you find my Keys I let you Kill some Rats for me.
This is LandyZone not a child's creche !! A bit of **** taking goes with the territory !
I kinda think he's got that now elsie!:rolleyes:
Seems to have taken it on the chin rather well in fact - just as well S71 never got wind of it!
I challenge you to find 110 woman a decent fella. She can provide mucho cake :D

( shes gonna kill me)

Whos she then....dare I ask?
As the song goes I 'll do anything for cake but i wont do that......or was that Meatloaf.
Oh yes I'll do anything for meatloaf but i wont do that.

She's a baking legend on here.:D

( thats my grovelling done)

I do think there is a market for wanteds. Ebay sells so why not have wanted type set up? Maybe a 10 donation for succeeding

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