
New Member
Hi All.
We have a web site called part of our service is to find the 'un-findable' but mainly find things for others who do not have the time or experience to do. We are looking for a Landrover for Fred Dibnar Heritage, an old series 2 or 3 as a restore project, please help or advise us. many Thanks.
''part of our service is to find the 'un-findable''

And they can't find a series 2 or 3?

Sound a bit crap to me..
If they can't even spell the great mans name properly they are not worthy of anyone's help :frusty: spamming cnuts
I came he genuinely trying to help a charity,
you can check them out if you want to see if its genuine.
I find your abuse absolourely abhorent, a fine image you give to this forum if this is how you treat guests.
I may also point out we are not being paid for this as its helping charity. Feel free to appologise not that it makes a difference as I will not be using this site again.
I came he genuinely trying to help a charity,
you can check them out if you want to see if its genuine.
I find your abuse absolourely abhorent, a fine image you give to this forum if this is how you treat guests.
I may also point out we are not being paid for this as its helping charity. Feel free to appologise not that it makes a difference as I will not be using this site again.

Who's gone and upset him then:D
sorry but i dont see the funny side of being called a C**T when trying to help a good cause, but each to there own

Thought you'd gone?...........pull up a chair, relax and chill out. Take a bit of time to see how things might be pleasantly surprised
sorry but i dont see the funny side of being called a C**T when trying to help a good cause, but each to there own
You have to understand that the forum is subject to a hige amount of abuse (other than verbal)

Under normal circunstances, someone might have contacted admin to let them know that they were going to post a comment that might have been taken for spam...

Remember that your comment might have been written thus:

"Hi guys.. would someone point me towards a vehicle that could repair or rebuild to be worth a few thousand quid!"

Obviously, as enthusiasts... the members on here will take offense... and because it is LZ they will voice their disapproval.

It becomes all the more likely because you have such a low post rate... indicating rightly or worngly that you are requiring information to gain financial gain without contributing to the site in general.

We are plagued by trolls and, while I have the suspicion that you are genuine, it is equally possible that you are simply using the site memtioned to lay your hands on a good deal.

As for the language that our members use with reference to you... this is not high school. It is not your place to dictate how, or to what extent, we use language... good, bad, foul or politically incorrect. As a newcomer and a guest you choose to accept our own codes of behavior prior to making your first post... it is, therefore, our place to express indignation that you should arrive trying to impress your own standards of decency on a community whose morals and standards you have greed to uphold.

If you think I am a ****... feel free to tell me so. Few forums on the internet will allow you that freedom.

Please, however, do not imply that I am somehow misguided in my use of language when that has been fully informed in terms and conditions that you probably could't be arse to read in the first place before you clicked the agree button
I fully agree with all that Ryder says, even that he's a ****.:D

As for your search, I have my doubts.

If it's any old Series II pick up you want then just look on ebay.

If it's Fred's original Land Rover you're looking for, then the executors of his estate will know who bought it.

I did as you suggested and checked out the Fred Dibnah heritage site - yep it's a genuine site and about a couple who are working hard to make Fred's old house a commercially viable museum. No problem with that. No mention of looking for a Landy though.

I then checked out nameitfindit.con. Oh dear. My teenage daughter can design better websites. And she can spell. It seems the site intends to work on the principle of person a wants to find something so offers a reward. Person b, on behalf of nameitfindit.con, finds said item, and claims the reward.

So are you person b? and hoping to cash in on the reward through exploiting the vast knowledge contained in this vast data store? PROBABLY.

Or person a with the kindergarten website? Might be.

I know there will be at least 2 members of this site who know of the whereabouts of a land rover previously owned by Fred. But if they want to reveal its probable location, they can do. However, I suggest they contact the Fed Dibnah Heritgae Centre direct, cutting out the middle man and his commission.:)
I fully agree with all that Ryder says, even that he's a ****.:D

As for your search, I have my doubts.

If it's any old Series II pick up you want then just look on ebay.

If it's Fred's original Land Rover you're looking for, then the executors of his estate will know who bought it.

I did as you suggested and checked out the Fred Dibnah heritage site - yep it's a genuine site and about a couple who are working hard to make Fred's old house a commercially viable museum. No problem with that. No mention of looking for a Landy though.

I then checked out nameitfindit.con. Oh dear. My teenage daughter can design better websites. And she can spell. It seems the site intends to work on the principle of person a wants to find something so offers a reward. Person b, on behalf of nameitfindit.con, finds said item, and claims the reward.

So are you person b? and hoping to cash in on the reward through exploiting the vast knowledge contained in this vast data store? PROBABLY.

Or person a with the kindergarten website? Might be.

I know there will be at least 2 members of this site who know of the whereabouts of a land rover previously owned by Fred. But if they want to reveal its probable location, they can do. However, I suggest they contact the Fed Dibnah Heritgae Centre direct, cutting out the middle man and his commission.:)

Top Comment
all points taken on board.

Ill try again.
They want to find an old landy to do up like Freds old one. They have little to know money, hence they sent out the request, via their twitter page @FredsHeritage.

I got involved as it was a good way of proving to them and myself that my web idea would work. So I set about looking for them. I found the Ebay ones but as I said they do not have the money so I searched and found you guys amongst others.

Getting caught up in the moment I even trawled scrap yards in my own time (some people do actually do people favours out here and we arent all C**ts)
I found some real heaps beyong repair but also a couple of gems. I've emailed them the photos and thats pretty much where I am.

As for whats in it for me. No money I assure you. Its initially was to prove I could find things. As for comments on my site, its not about gaining pure cash rewards etc, its more a case of I do a service for you you do a service for me, its all about helping without having to spend money, as you can see if you read the web site rewards section.
I wont go on about that anymore as i dont want to be accused of spamming again. Its not about the site its about getting them some help.

Now that some of you have their web page you can help direct, no need to go through me if your still worried about my intentions.Not a problem with me.

As for the design of my web site and spelling, feel free to mock me 'sticks and stones' and all that The site states its a holding page as I have professionals building one for me. The spelling is down to personal reasons which i wont bother to defend at risk of more abuse.

Anyway thats all it is, maybe in hindsight I wouldnt have started the original post with the blah blah about my site as it does hint at spam.

Anyway make of it what you want, and if anyone would like to see the landrovers I found i'd be more than happy to show the photos to gan your info on what they are, as I no nothing about them.

I can take all the negative comments fine, misunderstandings etc, but just take offence at being called a C**T because I have a problem with spelling etc by 'adults?', call me old fashioned.

Many thanks for your time and if you can help them please contact them direct.
though on a lighter note the person who called me a C**T due to my bad spelling etc, couldnt even spell C**T correctly so touche :) lol
all points taken on board.

Ill try again.
They want to find an old landy to do up like Freds old one. They have little to know money, hence they sent out the request, via their twitter page @FredsHeritage.

I got involved as it was a good way of proving to them and myself that my web idea would work. So I set about looking for them. I found the Ebay ones but as I said they do not have the money so I searched and found you guys amongst others.

Getting caught up in the moment I even trawled scrap yards in my own time (some people do actually do people favours out here and we arent all C**ts)
I found some real heaps beyong repair but also a couple of gems. I've emailed them the photos and thats pretty much where I am.

As for whats in it for me. No money I assure you. Its initially was to prove I could find things. As for comments on my site, its not about gaining pure cash rewards etc, its more a case of I do a service for you you do a service for me, its all about helping without having to spend money, as you can see if you read the web site rewards section.
I wont go on about that anymore as i dont want to be accused of spamming again. Its not about the site its about getting them some help.

Now that some of you have their web page you can help direct, no need to go through me if your still worried about my intentions.Not a problem with me.

As for the design of my web site and spelling, feel free to mock me 'sticks and stones' and all that The site states its a holding page as I have professionals building one for me. The spelling is down to personal reasons which i wont bother to defend at risk of more abuse.

Anyway thats all it is, maybe in hindsight I wouldnt have started the original post with the blah blah about my site as it does hint at spam.

Anyway make of it what you want, and if anyone would like to see the landrovers I found i'd be more than happy to show the photos to gan your info on what they are, as I no nothing about them.

I can take all the negative comments fine, misunderstandings etc, but just take offence at being called a C**T because I have a problem with spelling etc by 'adults?', call me old fashioned.

Many thanks for your time and if you can help them please contact them direct.

What about my freeking Keys

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