
Hi folks,
I joined this forum back in 2011 or thereabouts with the admirable aims of getting an early defender 110 shape of 1989 / 1990 vintage but every time I got the money together the wife wanted to spend it on food and electric or gas type stuff.
Anyway, 6 year on and I'm a mature student doing a degree now so I have the ability to get loans from student finance England for my studies.
Therefore I reckoned if I was living in digs instead of at home I'd have to pay about £150 a week on rent and food so I've been saving that money more or less every week towards a landy. Cunning ploy eh?

Sooo by the time June comes I'll have saved a good chunk of money and then up to another £5k in my final loan payment for this year that is meant to last until September to spend on a landy...

So come June the 5th or thereabouts will see me looking for a landy...
I'm still getting older, farting with gusto, eating hot curries and actually enjoying life for the first time in a long time. This can only get better this summer....
Ol Rhinohide.
I admire your determination. Do you think it's a good idea to spend your student loan on part funding an old landy? Why not stick it out until you've got a full time job again? Your choice. You are exposing yourself to failure cos you may have limited resources to maintain or do up an old landy. One scenario being you buy a heap of crap (see post) and it sits there rusting away. Good luck but be sensible .
I'd agree, we all clearly love them dearly, but if we are brutally honest with ourselves, they are money pits! I have kept an account of how much the rebuild is costing and the figure is sickening!
Thanks for the advice. I certainly will be researching this thoroughly but I am confident that I could get a £5-6K landy without any problems at all, money wise. I was looking for a 110 ex mod with T+T. Am I being too optomistic or naive at this idea? Nene overland has some titanous in at the moment for 4800 inc vat.

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