Hello, I found your site by chance. I have a land rover 90 of 1987, a little tired. I would like to know that check and make to make it the original power .c is a 2.5 diesel. I also have a defender 2.5 petrol,
I would like to make a defender 100 "with all the mechanics and chassis of defender. I have all the body of a defender 109, I know I will have to cut in, change the rear crossbar, but the problem is for the 200 tdi turbo. I'm looking for a solution. I hope to do so,
Because I regularly come to England, at the circuit of Lydden Hill, London, etc ... to the pleasure of meeting you one day.
I would like to make a defender 100 "with all the mechanics and chassis of defender. I have all the body of a defender 109, I know I will have to cut in, change the rear crossbar, but the problem is for the 200 tdi turbo. I'm looking for a solution. I hope to do so,
Because I regularly come to England, at the circuit of Lydden Hill, London, etc ... to the pleasure of meeting you one day.