
Well-Known Member
Cheap Chinese height sensors work perfectly................................................................

Just not for very long:rolleyes: Six months and less than 1K miles and the readings are all over the place:mad:
They were very cheap!
I spin the back out on my lathe, neater than a Stanley knife;)
Nice. Have you found a decent fix for a worn track yet .? I've bin scratching my head for for yonks on how to repair that worn section.
It is a job that went into the basket of jobs to look at later.
Nice. Have you found a decent fix for a worn track yet .? I've bin scratching my head for for yonks on how to repair that worn section.
It is a job that went into the basket of jobs to look at later.

Folks say you can switch them side to side and that puts the wiper on a different, less used, section of track. I doubt there is any way of repairing a worn track that would give you the necessary smooth action.
Folks say you can switch them side to side and that puts the wiper on a different, less used, section of track. I doubt there is any way of repairing a worn track that would give you the necessary smooth action.
You are right, track repair is not possible. On later cars, the sensors can be swapped side to side but as the sensor is near mid range normally, swapping may not make much difference.
The EAS is fixed, the spare cheapo EAS sensor is working for the moment, it should last until the MOT on Thursday:rolleyes:
I didn't realise they had MOT's in France Keith, its bad enough with them over here. I installed a cheap sensor a while back after fixing the pivot shaft wobble with metal epoxy...... So far so good, I did have to swap it from the rear right to the rear left because it kept throwing an out of range fault when dropping to access. I managed to get a Dunlop one from Paddocks for the right side, a very large difference in the build quality with the pivots
I didn't realise they had MOT's in France Keith, its bad enough with them over here. I installed a cheap sensor a while back after fixing the pivot shaft wobble with metal epoxy...... So far so good, I did have to swap it from the rear right to the rear left because it kept throwing an out of range fault when dropping to access. I managed to get a Dunlop one from Paddocks for the right side, a very large difference in the build quality with the pivots
All of the EU have MOT's, ours are every 2 years so better than the UK.
All of the EU have MOT's, ours are every 2 years so better than the UK.
I didn't realise that, I spent 24 years in Canada, they don't have MOT's, when you buy a car it has to be "certified" after that it can fall to pieces!! They do have spot checks for old bangers that look like they are collapsing but there are some pretty serious scrap driving around. I left in 2002 so they may have introduced some controls since then
I didn't realise that, I spent 24 years in Canada, they don't have MOT's, when you buy a car it has to be "certified" after that it can fall to pieces!! They do have spot checks for old bangers that look like they are collapsing but there are some pretty serious scrap driving around. I left in 2002 so they may have introduced some controls since then
Never heard any mention of MOT's in either Canada when I was there, or the USA where they seem to have a free hand as to what they do with their motors.
All of the EU have MOT's, ours are every 2 years so better than the UK.
Another reason that the Contrôle Technique (CT) is better than a UK MOT is that they are performed by independent CT centres not the garage servicing your car. They have no hidden agenda of finding faults that they can then charge to fix.
Another reason that the Contrôle Technique (CT) is better than a UK MOT is that they are performed by independent CT centres not the garage servicing your car. They have no hidden agenda of finding faults that they can then charge to fix.
If you're lucky you can find an MOT only facility
Another reason that the Contrôle Technique (CT) is better than a UK MOT is that they are performed by independent CT centres not the garage servicing your car. They have no hidden agenda of finding faults that they can then charge to fix.
Except some seem to have an "arrangement" with a local garage:rolleyes:
I didn't realise that, I spent 24 years in Canada, they don't have MOT's, when you buy a car it has to be "certified" after that it can fall to pieces!! They do have spot checks for old bangers that look like they are collapsing but there are some pretty serious scrap driving around. I left in 2002 so they may have introduced some controls since then

Don't think any of our provinces have mandatory scheduled vehicle inspections anymore. We did have them at one time, mainly to check that pollution controls were working. I remember one time driving to the testing station with my CEL lit up which is an immediate fail. Just when I got to the station it went out and I passed. I think we did away with testing because the vast majority of cars are newer. Spending a lot of money trying to catch a few offenders was not deemed cost effective.
I think California still has smog testing

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