
New Member
Hi all I'm new to this so please be patient...

Ok I recently bought a 96 dse p38
and it was great running well everything but the aircon and Hi/lo motor worked perfectly, I loved it
.....Then 2 weeks ago I got out didnt lock her up and the windows were down cos i was at home and the springers were winding down after a long walk
, 2 hours later I wanted to go out and discovered I couldnt find the keys, 5 days later after stripping the house and garage to bits I gave up and went to landrover who sent another key in 24hrs (brilliant) so I get home with new key really excited and run through the fob sync routine several times and nothing, try the key in the ignition and all I get is the red SRS warning light for about 10 seconds and the ABS pump purring away for about the same, but nothing else the dash is blank so get the EKC and enter as instructed in the manual, nothing, not even a flash from the hazards,

2 weeks on and countless phone calls this is what I have done

  • disconnected the terminals to the battery and touched the + to -
  • recharged the battery
  • reconnected the battery
  • re tried the fob sync 50 times or more
  • re tried the EKC

Windows still open car unlocked dogs in the house,

I just want her back the way she was please, anyone help!:doh:
ensure the battery is fully charged and take the lot to landrover for them to resync eka code.
if the becm's been changed and their code doesn't match, its buggered.
sorry for that!
edit- it'll be a new becm with key job.
ensure the battery is fully charged and take the lot to landrover for them to resync eka code.
if the becm's been changed and their code doesn't match, its buggered.
sorry for that!
edit- it'll be a new becm with key job.

yep recharged battery showing charged, why should I go back to a dealer that wouldnt even tell me about the EKC, I'm not even sure they knew what it was.
if you want help with the problem then accept what is offered sounds like a becm issue for that you need to pm rick the pick or take it back to the dealer to sort it out if your key doesnt work then the becm has prob been changed at some point

to quote an earlier post by you So your occupation is sorting out other peoples ****,..... well? in a nutshell yes folk are trying to sort your **** out if you dont like the answers given go and shove ya head up your arse and have a brain fart and come back when you want to listen :lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala:
Get yourself over into the Range Rover section and first ask for help from Mozz, he's our guru on all things locking.
Then get something into your on-screen details giving an idea of where you live, there might be a helpful member close to you.
If all of this fails then you will probably be directed to Rick-the-Pick. He is THE man when it comes to BECM systems. He does it for a living so he will charge you but if it can be repaired he will do it.
I do loads of these, usually after a flat battery or the battery has been changed. The engine control module gets out of sync with the BECM and no amount of EKA inputs or key sync's will fix it. I use T4 and re-sync the two ecu and away they go.

Also the key switch in the drivers door latch is usually inop so the EKA won't input and you can't sync the key in the door. If it's after 96.5 MY you can sync the key in the ign switch if the passive coil still works.
Thanks OWL & DOGSBODY for the help and responses, I was very tired and thought Rick the Pick was in some way making fun! I am used to a bit more explanation,

Ill follow up your advice asap havent been able to do anything for the last couple of days, moving the mother in law....joy
Thanks OWL & DOGSBODY for the help and responses, I was very tired and thought Rick the Pick was in some way making fun! I am used to a bit more explanation,

Ill follow up your advice asap havent been able to do anything for the last couple of days, moving the mother in law....joy

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