
Active Member
My steering had been a problem since I rebuilt landy.
First my powersteering pump failed so ive fitted a new one.
Ive replaces uj's as they were crusty.
Box is a 6 bolt and its very heavy and non centering on road. Which is tireing and dangerous.
Im sure hubs were find when i rebuilt it as i replaced one ball and bearings and checked the other. But that was a few years back lol.
Its only done maybe 200 miles since ive finished it.
Any ideas?
Ive not?
I mean ive turned steering lock to lock.
There is a bolt on top of box but im not sure what that does?
Bolt with a slit in the middle is to take out the play.
Look for a bleed nipple on the top.

Look in the power steering reservoir to see if this is pink & frothy. It should not be

May be these problems will all work out as you do more miles?
You've been used to driving cars but Landrovers;)
I can try to bleed it there.
Ive had 3 defenders before 3 discoverys and 2 series 2's lol so im well versed in landrovers Excellant driving standards .
Fluid is nice and new looking still no frothy top.
Ive got brake issues as well so im going check loadings on hubs.
What i found is the steering column is really stiff now i have disconnected the uj's.
So its bearing or bushes in column.
Anyone stripped one down?
Might try and get some oil in there.
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It was just my steering column oiled it up and it's all fine

Box is a 6 bolt and its very heavy and non centering on road.

Glad you got it sorted. Bon of the steering boxes are self centring to my knowledge. Then entering action comes with the steel g damper. If that is still a problem it may be worth looking to replace that, they do get tired and it is one of those items which because it decline gradually you don’t realise how bad it is until it is replaced.
This may help. It explains how to set your steering box up. At around 4.0 minutes it explains about why steering will not self centre.
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