Somebody told me that the TD5 engines dont like veg oil.
Any ideas why this would be? Surely a diesel is a diesel?
How does a few litres of veg oil clean up emmissions for MOT?
Please enlighten me.
Hi Shifty
Not definitive but i understand the injectors are much finer on the td5 engines which means the gloopyness of the unoprocessed oil doesn't go through too well, also the pressures are higher which has a tendency to polymerise the oil which would tally with your later post of jelly - although i have also heard of people on here running more modern (gaylander) engines with the stuff, so it could all be an urban myth!

Veg oil burns cleaner and does not emit particulates in the same way diesel does so it has a good effect on the emmissions test.

This is my understanding, but as always if someone knows better then please update!
You have to be accurate in description of what is being used, Bio is not veg oil its been processed.
Veg oil causes problems over time due to the glycerine content, which is removed when processed to Bio .
The glycerine will cause probs with piston rings etc due to gumming and causing blow by.
The TD5 , might well have probs with veg oil of any concentration in time, (although 30,000 I would expect the engine oil to have been changed) , but Bio I would not expect to cause probs, I know personaly a supplier(processor) of Bio diesel who runs his Td5 90 on bio, with no problems. I run a variety of vehicles on Bio, and with veg oil of varying percentages ( untill the veg oil price went thru the roof) without problems apart from a bad batch in one vehicle bought when away from home. :) JMHO

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