
Well-Known Member
When I bought my house it had oil fired heating and a 1200 litre oil tank containing 28 sec oil.

Now my house is heated by gas and I'm thinking the oil should have a better home. In my landrover's tank for instance?

Any ideas whether a TD5 will run on 28 sec oil?
Dont want o break anything but its a shame to waste it if it will work.
Specially as this thieving government keep dipping my pockets. ;)
I am told that you could mix it at a ratio of 12.5 :1 with cheap engine oil to give you the lubricant you need.
A mate runs his like this and has done for years. trouble is I forget his name and where he lives. Wish I had a tank in my garden.
I am told that you could mix it at a ratio of 12.5 :1 with cheap engine oil to give you the lubricant you need.
A mate runs his like this and has done for years. trouble is I forget his name and where he lives. Wish I had a tank in my garden.

not much of a mate then!
not much of a mate then!
No Very Dodgey but sort of likeable!
Heard on Jeremy Vines Radio 2 show last week that there is a serious crack down on this. It is currently a crime epidemic in parts of the country and it's carrying big fines and prison terms.
Aye they are cracking down on it. Not only would you get done for having it in yer tank, you'd have to explain where it came from and they'd try to pin every oil theft in the area on yer:(
Govt make fuel extortionate then fine people for using a cheaper alternative.
If you designed an engine to run on p*ss then the bastards would slap a tax on going to the bog.

I'm going to mix it 50:50 with normal derv to see if there are any problems.
That way I've got a receipt for buying normal diesel if dipped and how am I supposed to know the make up of it if they start analysing it?

It looks roughly the same and is about the same consistency and smell.
I've never seen any road blocks to dip tanks around my area and as far as I know they are looking for red diesel in civvy cars so it should pass a simple visual test.

I estimate that the 1200 litre tank I've got is 2/3 full so 800 litres should go a long way when mixed. Especially as it was free when I got the house.
If it works with no problems then I'll look at getting the tank refilled once I start to run out.

Thanks for the advice - and dont forget to come and see me in the pokey.
Thought you might like an update. If you dont then tough cos I'm giving you one anyway.

I've run two tanks through my TD5 with regular diesel and 28 sec mixed 50/50.
Not noticed any real difference in performance or starting. No smoke and no strange noises etc. Towed a horse box with no probs so not down on power. Does not appear to be any measurable difference in MPGs either. So far its win win all ways up.

My wallet is also a bit healthier so will continue to run 50/50 until further notice or until I cant get any heating oil. I've got an MOT coming up shortly so will see what the emissions are like. My mate will just do the emissions bit before my MOT so I can see if any problems. Fingers crossed.
Yep it came wiv me house. Been an eyesore in my garden for three years now but I'm glad I didn't get rid too quickly.
The boiler went tits up two weeks into winter and I replaced it with a gas fired one hence 800 litres of oil to use. Wish I'd got a wood fired one what with the price of gas these days. Plenty of trees where I live for the minute.
I dont hold with nicking stuff cos I dont like it done to me. Anyway the farmers round here have shotguns and I'm allergic to death.
Yep it came wiv me house. Been an eyesore in my garden for three years now but I'm glad I didn't get rid too quickly.
The boiler went tits up two weeks into winter and I replaced it with a gas fired one hence 800 litres of oil to use. Wish I'd got a wood fired one what with the price of gas these days. Plenty of trees where I live for the minute.
I dont hold with nicking stuff cos I dont like it done to me. Anyway the farmers round here have shotguns and I'm allergic to death.

I wonder if, when your 800 litres of kero runs out..... will you be ordering another tank full once you have got used to cheap fuel??
With some of the money you save buy yourself a pushbike, :confused:

so you can get about when they confiscate your vehicle for using non excised fuel , its an absolute offence , no good saying it was the diesel you bought from garage, a farmer friend of mine lost his merc for running on red . :eek: but as with all things you pays your money etc.
wont be such cheep fuel when he get's a stop/dip done..

i live in a suburb of a major city and they have been dipping everything from tractor unit's to doozle fiesta's round here :eek:

so far i have seen three get lifted onto the flatbed's and removed..

mine as passed fine each time..but i have cut back on useing cooking oil mix's at mo just in case :(
Aye, that's the same city that's bin having a lot of Landys nicked from recently, I've bin pulled in me Deepender, and get ANPR'd every time I go past a squad car in me Rangie.
Thats why I'm mixing 50/50 so as I've got a valid receipt for diesel if I get stopped. It dont look a lot different from normal diesel in a jam jar and it aint red. In more than 30 years of driving I've never been dipped. Can they analyse it at the side of the road? I'm no chemist.
Not sure how I'd go about getting the heating tank refilled though. I dont want to draw attention to myself if you know what I mean. Probably have to set up an account before I can order any.
Ok Once more for the uninitated and those too lazy to do a search :rolleyes:

Heating oil, Duty free diesel (RED) Kerosene, and any other heavy oil that can be used as a road fuel has chemicals added to it in order to make it detectable by HMR&C when they dip a tank. Red dye is placed in diesel as a visual marker It is not what the customs inspector is looking for. They can either do a paper test bit like a litmus test ya probably did in school. or they can run it through a chemical sniffer which analysis the chemical makeup of the fuel. If any of the chemical markers are detected you are stuffed. They are increasing their stop and dip roadside checks. due to increased theft and use of duty free fuels in cars.
wont be such cheep fuel when he get's a stop/dip done..

i live in a suburb of a major city and they have been dipping everything from tractor unit's to doozle fiesta's round here :eek:

so far i have seen three get lifted onto the flatbed's and removed..

mine as passed fine each time..but i have cut back on useing cooking oil mix's at mo just in case :(
In case of what?

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