Just bought my first landrover despite all advice against it. Its a beautiful 2001, Freelander 1 with a 2.5 V6 petrol engine. Its in good shape and the mileage shows at 75K km.
First drive (30km), I noticed the fan running really hard, at around 60km, i noticed the temp gauge go up very close to tbe red line. I turned off the engine, let it cool and when checked I saw the expansion tank to be empty. I filled it up and the problem went away.
I had read about the heating problem and got it checked from the local LR Dealership before buying. Took it back the next day and as per their suggestion, got the expansion tank and cap replaced, air and fuel filters changed, timing belt changed. Drive experience changed significantly. I can feel the kick now.

However, the temp gauge did go up again during the test drive on day 3. I noticed bubbles in the expansion tank too. The LR guys are not sure if thats a temp gauge problem or Head Gasket.
Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this.

BR/LR Nube
Check the middle of the V where the thermostat housing is located. That is usually where is pi$$ing coolant from.
If it overheated or ran without coolant for a few seconds, head gasket(s) are shot.
In regards to only 75K miles... well the low mileage ones are the ones to be avoided cause the usual issues may be unsorted. Like thermostat housing, timing belt change, vcu, diff.
9 out of 10 FL v6s don't have timing belt changed. It's not easy so we see alot of snaps on these.

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